AI Reputation

When playing against the AI, interactions between you and the AI will result in reputation changes. Reputation is how the AI feels about your empire, the maximum reputation is 8 and the minimum is -8.

Reputation can be increased by:

  • Sending credits - Where credit amount is ai total economy * 10 / 2.
  • Sending specialist tokens - Where token amount is round(ai specialist tech level / 2).
  • Sending technology - Any amount of technology.

Reputation will be decreased by combat. If your reputation is greater than 0, it will reset to 0. So for example if your reputation is 8 and you attack the AI, it will reset to 0. Otherwise the reputation will decrease by 1 whilst below 0.

Note: Reputation is always tracked even for players who are not AI. This ensures that if a player is defeated/afk then their reputation is consistent with their actions.


The AI will automatically declare their diplomatic status to you when reputation changes. These are as follows:

  • Allies - Reputation is >= 5.
  • Neutral - Reputation is < 5 and >= 0.
  • Enemies - Reputation is < 0.

Pro tip: Take advantage of AI diplomacy to include them in combat on your side and visit their stars if they are allies.

For non-AI players, any decrease in reputation is a declaration of war. If the players are neutral they will declare war on eachother.